Just some sayings!!!! Enjoy




Just say no

I'm too good for drugs

Drug free is the way to be

Don't choose the booze
If you choose the booze, you lose

What's your anti-drug?

Stay alive. Don't drink and drive

Shoot for the stars not your arms

Smoking the dope won't help you cope
Up with hope, down with dope

If you know Jack, you won't smoke Crack

This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?

Drugs are retarded, so don't get started

Say Not to Pot

PCP bad for me

Kiss meth mouth goodbye

Hugs not drugs

I'm above the influence

Pot makes your brain rot, so lets not

Get High on Life, not on Drugs


the price of doing drugs= your life!



There are better (or cooler) ways to die.

There's more to your life than a cigarette and a lighter.

Don't do drugs because if you do drugs you'll go to prison, and drugs are really expensive in prison. ~John Hardwick

Reality does not change; our perception of it does when we sober up.


Don't drink.

Don't shoot.

Share hugs
Not drugs




Why would you wanna do marijuana???????
Drugs are for thugs.....NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!
If you smoke you are a joke!!!!!!!!!
you will choke if you smoke!!!!!!!!